The Slowly Burning Embers of Social Media Revolutions

Earlier this month I wrote on what makes a movement sticky. Today’s food for thought are movements that were less sticky. Those that suffer from being out of sight, out of mind, and generally losing their steam. What makes me the most curious is what a reasonable expectation should be for engagement across any particular movement in an online medium […]

Movements Are Worth Making Sticky

Once upon a time I was a YouTuber. A possible sign that I have ADHD was building a whole brand around a social media presence I maintained for only a few months. This got me thinking about online social media brands and how they apply to activism and their movements. Faetale may never become a memorable brand— but some online […]

Raising an Eyebrow Watching Old Viral Marketing

Fascination, awe, sadness, and hesitancy summarize my mixed emotions upon watching Kony 2012 for the very first time over a decade later in 2023. Fascination that I’d completely missed this viral marketing phenomenon. Awe as memories flooded back of late night television cable-surfing only to be hit with guilt fueled advertising. Sadness from the raw images being shown. Finally, hesitancy […]

When Activism is Viewed Through a Straw

The modern web thrives on Likes. Engagement with the social media platform and a creator’s content can often have direct ties to earnings. Where then does the responsibility lie to engage respectfully and intentionally? Let’s examine how innocuous clicks can traverse vast movements. Tweets are short and most TikToks are around 30 seconds leaving often only the most golden piece […]